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20 / 20 Blog Archive

Apr 1 2021 | Posted In: 20/20 Blog
Palo Alto, CA —Through funding from The Cancer League, a local cancer charity, Prithvi Mruthyunjaya MD, MHS and  Vinit Mahajan MD, PhD, professors of ophthalmology at Stanford’s Byers Eye Institute, are the first to identify proteins from inside the eye that predict survival risk in patients with a...
Jan 11 2021 | Posted In: 20/20 Blog
Palo Alto, CA — The Mahajan Lab is designing small-molecule injectable drugs for a number of molecular targets they identified using proteomics, the large-scale study of proteins. The ability to surgically inject drugs directly into the eye allows retina surgeons to deliver precise therapies that...
Jan 4 2021 | Posted In: 20/20 Blog
Palo Alto, CA —Ophthalmology Times recently ranked Stanford’s Byers Eye Institute #12 for Best Overall Program and #9 for Best Research Program.
Dec 21 2020 | Posted In: 20/20 Blog
Palo Alto, CA — Marcus Toral, a medical scientist training program student, completing his scientific training in the Mahajan Lab, successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis at his defense seminar on December 10, 2020. 
Dec 18 2020 | Posted In: 20/20 Blog
Palo Alto, CA –Kellie Schaefer, a graduate student in the Mahajan Lab, successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis, “Insights into the Mechanisms Underlying Calpain-Related Pathology,” on November 13, 2020.
