The analysis of "big data" from human eye tissues, laboratory models, and clincial imaging can give new insight into mechanisms and therapies. We apply several proteomics, genomics, and phenomics platforms that link scientists and surgeons with softare engineers to test hypotheses using these key database resources.
Eye Proteomics Database

A proteome can be defined as the complete set of proteins expressed in a particular cell or tissue of interest. We use proteomics to discover biomarkers, therapeutic targets, and molecular pathways involved in eye diseases where diagnosis is difficult and current treatment is inadequate. This database of proteins is built on our publications in human eye tissue.
Search our human and mouse databases for your proteins of interest.
Read our Eye Biorepository Paper
Human Eye Biorepository
At Stanford’s Byers Eye Institute were are collecting human eye surgical tissues to discover molecules that signal disease and point to personalized therapies. Our repository gives scientists access to highly quality tissues for molecular analysis.
Contact us to learn how to collaborate.
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Mouse Eye Phenomics
The Mahajan lab preforms high-throughput mouse eye phenotyping to identity eye disease in mice from large gene knockout programs and mice from individual labs following gene therapy and genetic manipulation.
Contact us to learn how to collaborate.
Human Eye Phenomics
We apply a precision health approach using next-generation molecular biomarkers of health and disease. This database links molecular phenotypes of patients to their clinical phenotypes. Our goal is to identify diseases before they begin, select the best therapies for each unique patient, and improve surgical outcomes.
Contact us to learn how to collaborate.
Eye Gene Expression

We use various genomic platforms to determine genes that are turned on or off in specific eye tissues. We are developing a method to search these databases.
Dataset files from our studies are available for download.