Intraoperative Complications With Vitreous Biopsy for Molecular Proteomics.

K. Mishra; G. Velez; T. Chemudupati; P.H. Tang; P. Mruthyunjaya; S.R. Sanislo; V.B. Mahajan
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OBJECTIVE: To study the incidence of intraoperative complications while collecting a vitreous sample for proteomic biomarker analyses during small-gauge pars plana vitrectomy (PPV).

METHODS: A retrospective case series was assembled from the surgical logs and charts of patients who underwent 23-, 25-, and 27-gauge PPV along with an undiluted vitreous biopsy. Primary surgical indication and detailed operative reports were reviewed. Complications specific to vitreous biopsy were assessed while complications related to vitrectomy in general without biopsy were not tabulated.

RESULTS: In 1190 eyes that underwent vitreous biopsy, the most common indications for PPV were rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (24.2%), epiretinal membrane (ERM) (21.7%), vitreous hemorrhage (11.0%), uveitis (8.3%), and macular hole (7.5%). An adequate sample of 0.5 cc to 1.0 cc was obtained in all cases. There was one sclerotomy break associated with biopsy, but no instances of lens touch, retinal contusion, retinal detachment, or intraocular hemorrhage.

CONCLUSIONS: Undiluted vitreous biopsy obtained at the time of small-gauge vitrectomy is a generally safe procedure and may be considered for collection of samples for proteomic analysis. .

Mishra K, Velez G, Chemudupati T, et al. "Intraoperative Complications With Vitreous Biopsy for Molecular Proteomics." Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina. 2023;54(1):32-36.
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Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers and Imaging Retina,