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20 / 20 Blog Archive

Jul 26 2016 | Posted In: 20/20 Blog
Using SAXS to probe the solution structure and conformation of CAPN5
Apr 22 2016 | Posted In: 20/20 Blog
A new pre-clinical mouse model to study blindness caused by diabetes.
Feb 16 2016 | Research to Prevent Blindness News | Posted In: 20/20 Blog, Press
As medical professionals search for new ways to personalize diagnosis and treatment of disease, RPB-supported researchers at the University of Iowa have already put into practice what may be the next big step in precision medicine: personalized proteomics.
May 18 2015 | Posted In: 20/20 Blog
CAPN5 is a gene that encodes for a calcium-activated protease. This protease plays an important role in the human body by cleaving different proteins and acting in different cell signaling cascades. Genetic mutations in CAPN5 lead to the human disease ADNIV, an autosomal dominant blinding disorder...
May 14 2013 | Posted In: 20/20 Blog
Our laboratory has identified the CAPN5 gene as the cause of ADNIV, an inherited autoimmune disease of the eye. This landmark discovery represents the first identified gene that causes uveitis - a blinding inflammation within the eyes. The condition is also characterized by abnormal...
